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 At Elements Yoga and Paddleboard,
we celebrate the ancient wisdom found in yoga,
the splendor of the world around us, and the beauty in our connection with it all.

After over a decade of practicing all different styles of yoga, in places all over the world, one thing that we have learned is that there are very few spaces that provide the solace, grounding, and balance of being on your mat in the yoga studio...the feeling of being home, the comfort of the familiarity, and the sense of knowing that you are fully supported by the mat and Earth beneath you, no matter what position you may find yourself in, and that there is nothing else expected of you save to just be and breathe. 


But it is what happens when you leave that space and you venture out into the world that shapes your life, and it is there that the real work begins.


 How can you stay balanced when the waves of the world come upon you? 

How can you stay grounded when the once so stable floor beneath you begins to buckle and shift? 

How do you, as the individual, interact and find synchronicity with the collective world around?


There in lies the challenge of the human experience. 


Can you learn to match your vibration to the eb and flow of the outside world? 

Can you shift and adjust and ground yourself even when it feels like there is no ground beneath you? 

Can you rid yourself of the illusion of separateness and find balance in your connection with the world around you?

When faced with the Elements,

can you connect with them, find gratitude for them, and for your life in them?


At Elements Yoga and Paddleboard, that is exactly what we learn to do.  By taking our practice out of the studio and onto the paddle board on the water and out in the Elements, we learn how to float (pun intended ;) ) through the changing tides of life. 


The SUP yoga experience is designed with everyone in mind.  The paddle is easy, the yoga practice is gentle, but the experience is other level.  You don't have to be a seasoned paddler or yoga practitioner to participate. You just have to show up and be open to your connection with the world around you. 

Come discover the beauty of connection with the Elements!
And let that connection RIPPLE
out into the world around!
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